Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 8
Meeting Agenda 2022-09-14
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 8 (the “District” or “MUD 8”) of Montgomery County, Texas will meet in regular session, open to the public, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022, at 9:00 A.M., at the Walden Yacht Club, 13101 Melville Drive, Montgomery, Texas 77356, at which meeting the following items will be considered and acted upon:
1. Public comments (public comment shall be limited to 3 minutes per member of the public);
2. Approve minutes of August 10, 2022 regular meeting;
3. 2022 Tax Rate, including:
a. conduct public hearing on tax rate (members of the public will be granted an opportunity to provide comments related to the 2022 tax rate);
b. adopt Order Setting Rate and Levying Tax for 2022;
c. adopt Order Appointing Tax Assessor/Collector;
d. adopt Resolution Concerning Tax Collection Procedures; and
e. approve Amended and Restated District Information Form;
4. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report, including:
a. collection report;
b. public hearing on termination of water service for failure to pay taxes; and
c. Delinquent Tax Report;
5. Bookkeeper’s Report, including:
a. financial reports;
b. cash flows;
c. payment of bills;
d. Quarterly Investment Report (2nd quarter 2022); and
e. engage Burton Accounting PLLC to prepare District financial statements to comply with SAS 115 requirements;
6. Engineer’s Report, including:
a. status of construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) Improvement Project;
b. status of renewal application for TPDES WWTP Discharge Permit;
c. status of Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, including authorize advertisement;
d. status of construction of Motor Control Center and Control Building Replacement Project for Poe Street Water Plant;
e. status of Motor Control Center and Control Building Replacement Project for Browning Street Water Plant, including authorize execution of construction contract and authorize Engineer to issue notice to proceed, subject to Attorney review;
7. Review Quiddity Engineering, LLC’s proposed schedule of hourly rates;
8. Status of landscaping improvements at the WWTP;
9. Operator’s Report, including:
a. monthly water and wastewater operations;
b. delinquent accounts;
c. items identified as needing repair during the annual inspection of District’s water plants;
d. items identified as needing repair during the 2022 Lift Station Inspection; and
e. damaged fire hydrant;
10. District’s website and communications services;
11. Miscellaneous Reports, including:
a. Walden Community Improvement Association (“WCIA”) meetings;
b. Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 9 meetings; and
c. Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District meetings;
12. Attorney’s Report, including:
a. solid waste collection agreement with WCIA; and
b. release of earnest money paid by Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 2 for purchase of land owned by the District; and
13. Executive Session, as necessary:
a. as may be permitted by Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Texas Gov’t Code, concerning real estate, security, litigation, or matters involving attorney-client privilege;
b. reconvene in Open Session; and
c. vote on matters discussed in Executive Session, if any.
EXECUTED this ______ day of September, 2022.
Elliot M. Barner
Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC
(DISTRICT SEAL) Attorneys for the District