Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 9

Billing Information

New Service or Auto-Pay

Setting up New Service or Change Personal Information with MCMUD 9

If you wish to set up water and sewer service with MCMUD 9, please contact the district operator Hays Utility North at 936-588-1166. The operator can determine if your address is within the service area and help complete the application process. The form below contains the information collected for application; it can either be filled out over the phone, sent in by mail, or email to There is a connection fee and deposit required at the time of service request, and it must be collected prior to service being connected. This can be submitted by mail or by stopping by the Hays Utility North office.

Customer Service Information Form (PDF)

New Online eStatements and Bill Pay is Now Available

MUD 9 and Hays Utility North are offering to all MUD 9 Residents ONLINE eSTATEMENTS, BILL PAY and AUTO BILLING PAY through its partner First Billing Paya.

We encourage people to use the Online eStatements option, as this enables you to get your statements from anywhere and look at old statements. This will also reduce your MUD 9 expenses in needing to print & mail statements. There is a $1.00 fee added to monthly bills for paper statements. There are several Bill Pay methods and an Auto Bill Pay option offered by First Billing Paya. Please review these all of these options carefully as there a different convenience fees added for each options.


How to Sign Up for Online eStatements and Bill Pay

Signing up can be accomplished two ways – online or by calling First Billing Paya.

To sign up follow these steps:

  • You will need your account number from a recent statement
  • Go to to the First Billing site or call 1-855-270-3592
  • Click on “create new account”
  • Your account number will be a 15 digit number in this exact format. 19908-0123456789 where everyone in MUD9 have the same first 5 digits (19909), then a “-“, then your your old 10 digit account number with “no dashes”. The Statement you receive in May will have the new 15 digit account number.
  • Enter zip code and email, create a user name, password and confirm password. You will get an email back which you need to click on to confirm your email.
  • Sign-in. You can then register for eStatements, pay a bill, set up auto pay, etc.
  • We encourage everyone to signup for eStatements so that you can get your statements anytime from anywhere. This is free. You will get an email each month when your statement is available. You can also review all of the other bill pay (auto bill pay) options.
  • If you are currently having Hays debit your bank account automatically, this will not change. You do not need to sign up for a new bill pay method. But we would still appreciate it if you would sign up for eStatements.

If you have any other questions about service or billing please contact the district operator:

Hays Utility North Corporation
Billing Address: P.O. Box 1170, Montgomery, Texas 77356
Physical Address: 375 Lake Meadows Drive, Montgomery, Texas 77316
Phone: 936-588-1166

Monthly Usage and Billing

a) The water usage rates are a tiered structure to encourage water conservation.

Single-family homes, townhouse units, multi-family buildings and apartments shall be billed as follows:

Gallons Rates
0 – 4,000 gallons $15.00 flat rate
4,001 – 10,000 gallons $2.50 per 1,000 gallons
10,001 – 15,000 gallons $2.75 per 1,000 gallons
15,001 – 20,000 gallons $3.25 per 1,000 gallons
20,001 – 30,000 gallons $4.50 per 1,000 gallons
30,001 and over $6.50 per 1,000 gallons

b) The sewer rates for Single-Family Homes, townhouse Units, Multi-Family Buildings, Apartments, and Condominiums shall be considered one unit. The monthly sewer rate is $ 26.00 per unit per month (flat rate).

c) Billing Fee for users receiving billing statements by the United States Postal Service shall be assessed a fee of $1.00 per month fo fund administrative costs of mailing such statements. In order to receive such statements electronically, users and get instructions for eStatements in the Billing Section of this website.

d) Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District fee is a pass-through and is billed at $0.20 (20 cents) per 1,000 gallons.

e) For more details, please see Full Rate Order.